Land Owner Rights
Anyone owning land in Farr West should be able to reasonably utilize their property as they choose as long as they abide by the law and do no harm to their neighbors.
The city's municipal code should be simple and follow common sense rules.
The city's municipal code should be simple and follow common sense rules.
Transparency in Government
I think ALL meetings should be held as 'Open & Public' meetings
More information should be made available to citizens through modern technologies: email, web, social media, etc.
this information should not only contain meeting agendas & minutes it should also contain:
- They should be held during the normal advertised times & dates, currently 6:30pm on Thursdays, so that the public can plan and attend as desired.
- There should be few if any 'Special' meetings held at different times & dates. It has the same net effect as holding closed meetings.
- 'Closed' meetings should never happen unless required by law.
More information should be made available to citizens through modern technologies: email, web, social media, etc.
this information should not only contain meeting agendas & minutes it should also contain:
- the packet information (where feasible) for each meeting
- budget information including the detailed proposed budget, detailed approved budget
- monthly detailed bills as paid.
Preservation of Open Spaces
Parks & connecting trails should be a higher priority in the development plans of Farr West City. Many of us moved out here to get away from the congestion of other cities, I believe that it is possible to balance smart growth with the preservation of open spaces. We can encourage developers to design and incorporate open space into their proposals as opposed to squeezing as many 1/3 acre square lots into a development as possible.
I have proposed (and will again) adding an Open Space Zone to the municipal code. Other cities have such a zone not only to help plan and preserve precious open space but to help land owners through lower tax rates for such zones.
I have proposed (and will again) adding an Open Space Zone to the municipal code. Other cities have such a zone not only to help plan and preserve precious open space but to help land owners through lower tax rates for such zones.
High Speed Broadband will be the next vital infrastructure element of the 21st century. Just like electricity, paved roads, phones, natural gas, water, sewer, & storm drains became necessary during the 20th century. modern economies will be fueled by new technologies and we will need to plan for having the infrastructure in place to handle the increased demand. Businesses will demand it as well as homeowners for their home businesses, telecommuting, education, & entertainment.
We also need to maintain our current roads, bridges, storm drains, etc and plan for the eventual curb, gutters & sidewalks on all streets in Farr West.
We also need to maintain our current roads, bridges, storm drains, etc and plan for the eventual curb, gutters & sidewalks on all streets in Farr West.